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Data II Equity was founded to help identify, document, and prioritize the causes of inequity in Lima and surrounding communities, using the power of data science.  Our organization will support not-for-profits in their efforts to better understand and address links between public policy, discrimination, poverty, and lack of opportunity.  We will provide analyses and visualizations that advance their efforts and requests for funding.

Our organization was launched in 2020 after the killing of George Floyd and Black casualties to COVID-19 highlighted the racial inequity which persists in our country and community.  We are in our beginning stage and working only with select partners.  Our vision is to grow our organization by recruiting additional data professionals and local students interested in furthering social justice while building their skill and experience in data science.  

Data Science is being used in communities around the world to better better understand complex issues facing communities, including housing, crime, policing, and city revenues.  The use of data science to address community issues, however, requires the willingness of a community to open its data to the public.  This must be driven by a strong belief in the value of data transparency, and the willingness of civic leaders to develop the policy and infrastructure that makes data available.


The slide deck below presents several of such cases that might have applications to Lima, and the next steps in applying data science to make Lima a Smart City.  Our hope is that the next mayor of Lima will embrace these.

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